Site icon Pacific Raven Press, LLC

Submission Guidelines

Pacific Raven Press, LLC, assists the prospective author to publish original work that includes the following genres: Africana and ethnic literature, memoir, research on Blacks in Hawai`i, cultural and oral history, poetry, politics, human rights, travel, and children’s books. We also consider motivational and/or self-help manuscripts that may be transformative.

We have an affinity for manuscripts that inspire, inform, entertain, and/or provoke thought and reflection. We publish work that is of a high quality. We publish paper books and e-books.

If you would like your manuscript to be considered for publication by Pacific Raven Press, LLC, please submit the following packet of information by mail.  It is not necessary to have an agent or a long list of publications.

At this time, we require submissions by mail. Your mailed packet (via USPS, FedEx, or UPS) must include:

Your name
Mailing address
Phone number
Email address
A short bio that includes any previous publications
A one-page synopsis of your manuscript
The first 50 pages of your book
$50 reading fee as a check or money order



Pacific Raven Press, LLC
P.O. Box 678
Ka`a`awa, HI 96730 USA


Within eight-to-twelve weeks after we receive your mailed packet, a decision will be made whether to proceed to the next stage of review or not. If you do not hear from us, you can assume that your manuscript does not meet our printing agenda for the year.

All manuscripts and submissions will be recycled after review and not returned. All unaccepted manuscripts will be destroyed after review.

As a small independent publisher, at this time, Pacific Raven Press, LLC, accepts only a limited number of manuscripts for annual publication. In making our decision, we consider the quality of the manuscript, marketability of the work, and willingness of the author to be an active responsible participant in the promotion, marketing, and appropriate representation of the book and our company. If it is desired, for an annual fee, we can offer promotional and marketing support and international distribution.

Generally, if we are interested in reviewing the entire manuscript, the author will hear from us by email. At that time, we will contact you and request submission of the entire manuscript, including a title page, table of contents, page numbers, and the completed text. A further reading fee of $75 will be requested at this time.

After we have reviewed the complete work, a decision will be made whether to proceed to editing, design, formatting, and publication, and the author will be informed. If all terms are agreed upon, a one-year contract will be presented to the client/author and signed. The author may choose to retain the copyright to the book, but the ISBN will remain with PRP, LLC.

The cost for publication varies according to book size, number of pages, pictures (if included), cover design, black & white or also color printing, formatting, and promotions/marketing including press releases–to be determined once the book has been accepted.

The time frame for publication also varies according to the amount of editing required, illustrations or photographs if included, and level of formatting. After it is finalized for publication, the book will be printed and mailed to the author in the requested quantity.

If you do not hear from us, please do not be discouraged, but continue to write and submit your work to other editors and publishers until you find a good match!

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